Babylon 5: The Road Home

Twenty-five years ago I became a fan of J. Michael Straczynski’s Babylon 5 after watching “In the Beginning,” a two-hour prequel movie commissioned before the show’s final season.  The film dramatized the “Earth-Minbari War,” a pivotal piece of backstory for the B5 universe.  It was an odd movie, devised of loosely-connected vignettes told from the … Continue reading Babylon 5: The Road Home

Thoughts on the Babylon 5 Reboot

The CW network just made one of the most surprising programming announcements in recent memory: A Babylon 5 reboot for their network run by the same man who created the original, J. Michael Straczynski (known to fans as JMS).  Of all the things possible in today’s media landscape this was one of the least expected.  Yet, … Continue reading Thoughts on the Babylon 5 Reboot